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Student application

Application process

Misongi’s mission is to assist highly talented and motivated students to negotiate and finance the admissions process for colleges and universities in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The aim is to produce highly skilled and widely educated leaders to solve the world’s most complex challenges. 

Many determined and talented students in Africa lack maximum financial resources and access to information to better their educational future. For this reason, Misongi seeks to identify highly academically qualified and motivated Senior Secondary students in Africa to join the 2024-2025 Cohort of the Misongi College Access Program.

During this one-year program, Misongi works closely with students through regularly scheduled boot camps, meetings, and seminars to assist them throughout their college application process. The primary goal is to help our scholars secure admissions into the best universities in the world. Misongi expects a sincere commitment of students to give back their energy and time to the program, and to their communities and to be the best they can be. Selected students will be part of a global network of students and professionals from 17 countries and four continents. Applicants are welcome from all parts of the world. 


  • Strong academic record/ transcript
  • Robust participation in extracurricular activities
  • Involvement in leadership roles
  • Excellent community service participation
  • Transcripts that show an A average or above 90%
  • O Level results: 7A’s & above / Probatoire results: 14/20 and above.

Send the recommendation form

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Request a teacher or your school principal to complete the attached letter of recommendation form, attesting to your character, talent, and skills. Please do not include a basic testimonial that does not talk about you as an individual.

Complete the application form

Please complete this application form fully, providing us with as much information as you can about yourself, your dreams and ambitions, your family background, and your academic and co-curricular activities. Please send all parts of your application together at one time to ensure that your application is complete and includes contact information for you.  We will not consider incomplete applications.


If you are preselected, you will receive a link to schedule an interview


If you are selected, congratulations! You will receive an official confirmation by email very soon.

Dates to remember

Applicaition opens

Early September 2024

Application closes

December 16th, 2024

Scholars selected

January 04th, 2025

Program Kicks Off

February 03rd, 2025

Priority in the admission process is given to those applicants who complete the entire application process by the December 16th deadline.

For those students wishing to apply
for the «second round» of admission
to Misongi, please email us for our current enrollment status.

Mentor application

Mentor application process

We need people who are self-motivated and dedicated to helping students achieve their educational goals. Our mentors come from all walks of life, but they have a similar passion – to help students gain admission into their dream schools and pursue educational opportunities. If this sounds like you, we will be honored to have you on board.

Mentor Expectations:

  • Commit at least 1 hour a week  help a Misongi scholar assigned to you.
  • Help your mentee to review essays, do mock interviews, SAT preps, and more.
  • Check-in regularly with the mentee to ensure he/she completes tasks and meets application deadlines.
  • Have fun and build lasting friendships with scholars.

Complete the application form

Please complete this application form fully, providing us with as much information as you can about yourself