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Misongi alumnus Bernard V. Wongibe ’25 was awarded an Alumni Sponsored Internship Program (ASIP) grant at Williams College

This past summer, Misongi alumnus Bernard V. Wongibe ’25 was awarded an Alumni Sponsored Internship Program (ASIP) grant at Williams College. This selective program provides students with first-hand career—and life—experience in a variety of fields, including scientific research, entrepreneurship, government and politics, and wildlife protection. Bernard is a junior at Williams College majoring in computer science major. As an ASIP recipient, he worked at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, a nonprofit research institute of the Florida University System located in Pensacola, Fla. 

“The project was to establish a cyber lab, which is a controlled, secure environment designed for cybersecurity training, testing and simulations. This helps individuals and organizations practice and improve their security posture without incurring real-world effects. The project encompassed cyber range deployment, security information and event management (SIEM), data analysis, and data visualization. 

“I was responsible for setting up Security Onion version 2.3.260, which I called “The Watchtower,” on a server for intrusion detection and security monitoring.… There were a lot of bugs to fix when deploying this SIEM tool on a server, [which] taught me valuable lessons in IT and other seemingly unrelated areas. In the end, I successfully deployed Security Onion and analyzed about 10,000 logs of data.”